Welcome to Neshima Medical

Respiratory Therapies

Neshima Medical is a preclinical stage therapeutic company, with a mission to reduce mortality rates and hospitalization days. Neshima’s innovation is utilizing its patented liquid-foam therapy (LiFT™) for respiratory drug delivery.

The vision of the company is to treat severe pneumonia and asthma using existing small molecules, COPD using topical cell therapy, IPF using slow-release particles, CF using gene therapy, and more.

LiFT™ enables for the first-time topical and fast administration of high doses of therapeutics throughout the lungs, and through constricted and mucus obstructed airways, including cells and large size particles (×10 compared to nebulizers, over 50 μm)


Fishler, R., Ostrovski, Y., Frenkel, A., Dorfman, S., Vaknin, M., Waisman, D., Korin, N. and Sznitman, J., 2022.
Exploring pulmonary distribution of intratracheally instilled liquid foams in excised porcine lungs.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, p.106359.

Fishler, R., Vaknin, M., Ostrovski, Y. and Sznitman, J., 2022.
Shear thinning effect on liquid foam distribution in heterogeneously constricted in vitro airway models.
Journal of Biomechanics, p.111131.

Founding Team and Management

Dr Yan Ostrovski crop 8

Dr. Yan Ostrovski

Co-founder & CEO

Dr. Ramy Fishler crop3

Dr. Ram Fishler

Co-founder & CTO

Prof. Josue Sznitman crop2

Prof. Josué Sznitman

Co-founder & Chief scientific officer

Avital Frenkel

Co-founder & Chief systems architect

Dr. Nissim Darvish

Active chairman of the board of directors

Thank you for your interest in Neshima

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Yan at NeshimaMedical dot com


Netgev, Dimona, Israel

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